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Financial Services Ombudsman



FINSOM is an Ombudsman Office specialised in the Swiss financial sector and recognised by the Federal Department of Finance.

If you are a client or an employee and have a complaint or would like to request mediation, please contact us by submitting the form below. Alternatively, you can send us your complaint or mediation request by post.  

If more than one party is requesting mediation, please contact us for instructions. 

FINSOM will carry out a preliminary review of your request to verify that the request meets the access conditions and will inform you as soon as possible of its admission or refusal. If further information is required to make a decision, FINSOM will contact you.

If you have any questions, please call us at the number below.

    1. Applicant

    Are you a : Client or Employee?

    If you are a client, please indicate your client segment

    2. Company

    3. Subject

    4. Declaration

    I have read and accept FINSOM's rules of procedure.

    I have already tried to complain to the company concerned without success.

    Zürich – Genève – Tessin – Valais

    Tel Office
    +41 27 552 04 24

    Mailing adress
    Avenue de la Gare 66
    1920 Martigny